
Friday 5 March 2021

Dear Life

Dear Life Here is 5 things I am very grateful for

Hey again! It's me, your wonderful and dearest friend. I have come to say that everything I have now is something precious and that it won’t be there forever.

First off I want to tell you that I’m grateful for the roof over my head, I’m grateful for the amazing Parents and siblings that I have, even if they can be thoughtless sometimes. They have raised me to be a strong, proud, and a loving person. 

Secondly, I am grateful for the culture that I was brought up in because I had the opportunity to celebrate dancing, singing, and playing with friends and family, we also ate the most delicious foods that filled the air with the most exotic aromas. 

Third of all, I am grateful for Glen Taylor School. Since the start of my journey at GTS so much has happened, such as making many friends that I’ll cherish forever, learning new things that I can utilize in my education, etc but I am the most grateful for the teachers that shaped me into the confident person that I am today with all their loving, hard-working human being they are.

Last but not least I am also grateful for the kind of friends I have, Loyal, Supportive, and amazing. They always give support when times are tough and are always there when I'm down, They correct me when I'm leading through the wrong path, and without them, I wouldn't be that confident, responsible girl I am now.

And finally, Last I am grateful for life, not to mention the fact that I wouldn't be the person I am today with all these incredible people I have in my life is unbelievable. Throughout my life, I had hard times, struggles, and tangled moments but I still managed to fight through the moments and come face to face with a hard time in life, but I still never gave up and became stronger. 

  • Sar Yar Chan


  1. What an amazing piece of writing. It filled my heart with such joy reading it. You are very lucky to have such wonderful and amazing people in your life. Well done

  2. Hello Sar Yar Chan, I really enjoyed reading your Dear Life. It is a magnificent piece of writing. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hey Sar Yar Chan I really enjoyed your piece of writing I could tell you put a lot of thought and effort into it.

  4. Good job you did amazing work on your writing (:

  5. Hello Sar Yar Chan! My name is Laura and I am from Belfast school.
    I really like your writing piece!
    Its really good to write down things that you're grateful for. I try to write down three things every week although sometimes I forget. I find it very therapeutic.
    I love all the detail you put into your writing! Keep up the good work.
